By João Lima, Cecilia Colacrai & Anna Rubirola
Constellation Big Bouncers:
14th April, Mercat de les Flors
Buy tickets here
The core of this piece is the tension between different levels of choreographic language. It asks the question: what is transmitted from one body to another?
Creation João Lima, Cecilia Colacrai, Anna Rubirola / Performance Cecilia Colacrai, João Lima / Artistic direction and dramaturgy João Lima / Collaboration in texts Pablo Colacrai / Sound design Andy Poole / Light design Joana Serra / Photos and videos Tristán Pérez-Martín / Teaser Alice Brazzit – Sala Hiroshima
Residences La Visiva, La Caldera, Centre Cívic Barceloneta, L´Estruch de Sabadell /With the support Iberescena i Premio Funarte Klauss Vianna / Thanks to Núria Bernaus, Pablo Ramirez, Mireia de Querol, Guillem Mont De Palol, El Conde de Torrefiel, Oscar Abril Ascaso, Llorenç Parra